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Join date: Jan 23, 2019


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Hi I'm Queen I have been playing for 2 years consistently. I started actually being interested in this came in about 2015 but never actually figured out how to download it or felt like doing that. I think it's a pretty cool game and I love horse and ride in real life if you have any questions for my let me know. I have a sso Instagram @sso.quenn go follow me on there I don't post a lot but I'm still active on there looking at your guys' posts! I've met a lot of friends on sso and I love to play it's super fun. I was researching sso history and found this website it's very well made and would like to spread the message about this so go do that! I'm on pumpkin meadow server and I'm "Paige Queenblanket" feel free to mail me at anytime. Thanks so much guys <3

paige queenblanket

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