Ever wanting to do a realistic rider roleplay or just looking for a fun arena to practice in? Well, look no further! Here are the top 5 arenas in Jorvik!
5: Eastern Slopes Arena
Located in Eastern Slopes Harvest Counties, definitely a hidden gem!
4: Moorland Training Arena
Located at Moorland Stables behind Loretta, this is definitely a fun meeting arena!
3: Silverglade Manor Arena
Located behind the Silverglade Manor with a gorgeous view of the Forgotten Fields and Golden Hills!
2: Northern Slopes Arena
Located next to the Spymaster's Hangout with beautiful white blossom trees!
1: Riding Hall
Located behind Silverglade Manor, next to Golden Hills' gate. Two basic arenas for both Flat and jumpers! Perfect for everyone!
Hope you all enjoyed this article! Tell me your favourite arena in the comments!
I love the trees at Spymaster's Hangout, they make the place so beautiful
My favorite arena is definitely the riding hall!